Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring is Here

I love the month of April. It's when the grass gets greener and the days are longer and flowers start blooming. I love waking up and it's light outside and going to bed and it's light outside. It's hard not to be happy when life is blooming all around.

The most exciting thing happening in my life this week is that I am going to be an aunt to my first nephew either Monday or Tuesday, May 2nd or 3rd! I can't wait to hold that baby and see how much he looks like my brother and Cara. I'm excited for Ben to meet his cousin and hope they grow up to be best friends. My parents, Ben and I are driving up to Wyoming to be with Zach and Cara as they adjust to having little Tucker at home. I'm excited to see their home and spend time with my family.

Ben had his 6 month checkup today and weighed in at 18 lbs. 4 oz. and 27 inches! He's 67th percentile for length and 54th for weight. He's growing so big and is completely healthy and on track with all his milestones. We couldn't be happier as parents!

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